Muddy Roots Farm
Kirsten Marra
Muddy Roots Farm
175 Northford Rd.
Wallingford, CT 06492
United States
Online Store
Certified Organic
Offers a CSA
Benefit Doubling
Pasture based poultry and forest raised pork. Non-GMO chicken and pork. Thanksgiving turkey. Poultry and processed on the farm. Animals are raised with care and compassion in their natural environment. Vegetables are grown organically and without the use of synthetic chemicals. Environmental and ecological awareness and sustainability, animal welfare, chemical-free land, honesty and transparency are highly valued to us. We are stewards of the land and animals.
Farmers Markets (list)
Wallingford Garden Market, Stamford Museum & Nature Center Market, Wadsworth Open Air Market & Festival
Available at Stores and Restaurants
Olmo, New Haven; Oak Haven, New Haven; Heirloom, New Haven, Roia, New Haven; Sherkaan, New Haven; Herd, Middletown; GZen, Branford