Broken Arrow Nursery
Burton Jaynes
Broken Arrow Nursery
13 Broken Arrow Road
Hamden, CT 06518
United States
Online Store
Certified Organic
Offers a CSA
Benefit Doubling
Since its inception, Broken Arrow Nursery has strived to be a premier destination nursery that acquires, develops, and grows rare, unusual, and garden-worthy plants. We offer superior quality, outstanding customer service and expert advice to gardeners and enthusiasts. In 1947, Richard Jaynes planted his first Christmas trees, obtained as a prize from the state for his 4-H poultry project. Those first trees, planted in and eventually replacing an apple orchard, led to a thriving Christmas tree farm on over 20 acres in Hamden, CT. The nursery part of the business started in 1984, establishing Broken Arrow Nursery as a full time business venture for Dick and Sally Jaynes. Building on Dick's 25 years of research with the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station, Broken Arrow first specialized in Kalmia latifolia, Mountain Laurel, the state flower of Connecticut. The selection has broadened much since then, with over 1,500 different plants being offered, including both common and unusual woody plants and perennials. The nursery is one of the few retail nurseries in Connecticut that propagate and grow most of the plants sold.