Shaggy Coos Farm
Brittany Conover
Shaggy Coos Farm
53 Center Rd
Easton, CT 06612
United States
Online Store
Certified Organic
Offers a CSA
Benefit Doubling
SHAGGY COOS IS THE MOST SOUTHERN DAIRY FARM IN NEW ENGLAND. IT IS FEMALE-RAN IN THE SMALL TOWN OF EASTON, CT. Our farm store is honor system- just like the old days! We milk, pasteurize, and bottle our milk right on property to ensure only the best for our community. Our store is stocked with pork, beef, poultry, and milk raised right here on our farm. Gelato and sorbet is made right on property using our milk. We believe in the golden rule- treat others how you want to be treated, animals and humans alike.
Available at Stores and Restaurants
Products available at: on farm-farm store; Easton Village Store