Town of Cromwell Farmers Market
Rosanne Krajewski
Town of Cromwell Farmers Market
41 West Street
Cromwell, CT 06416
United States
Online Store
Certified Organic
Offers a CSA
Benefit Doubling
The Town of Cromwell Farmers Market runs Fridays from 4 to 7 p.m. from June 2 through September 1 at the scenic Riverport Park, 1 River Road on the beautiful Connecticut River. There is parking on Main Street adjacent to the site. The Town of Cromwell Farmers Market aims to support the local economy, enrich the quality of life in our Town, and promote the public health and environmental benefits of eating local and Connecticut’s sustainable agriculture. There is weekly live music under the pavilion, food trucks each week, many local vendors from local farms with farm fresh vegetables, locally sourced products and specialty artisans and services. The Mission of the Town of Cromwell Farmers Market: • Support the local economy by providing fruits, vegetables, and other products directly to the consumer from the producer. • Enrich the quality of life in Cromwell through the additional venue for community interaction in a public space. • Broaden public health and environmental benefits of sustainable agriculture in Connecticut. June 2 will be our Opening Day with an opening day ceremony with local dignitaries, circus performers from Matica Arts, entertainment by North County Trio, food trucks Wayne’s Wings & Things, Square Peg Pizzeria, and Dude’s Donuts.