Wing Dance Apiary LLC
Elizabeth Ciarlelli
Wing Dance Apiary LLC
1133 Coleman Road
Cheshire , CT 06410
United States
Online Store
Certified Organic
Offers a CSA
Benefit Doubling
Our Apiary Wing Dance Apiary LLC is located in Cheshire, Connecticut. We are a local, family-owned business providing raw honey, educational seminars and honey bee swarm removal services. Our mission to support local and regional bees includes the promotion of responsible beekeeping and the ongoing education of new and established beekeepers. In addition, Wing Dance's Master Beekeeper, William Hesbach, teaches classes and seminars across New England and at beekeeping conferences throughout the United States. Our Honey Our Fat Bee Honey is collected from the hive and delivered raw, with all its naturally occurring pollen and goodness. Created from local wild flowers, our honey is delicate & flavorful - perfect for accompanying food or just eating from the jar! Wing Dance Honey is one of nature's small gifts, promoting vibrant health and enhancing your daily life experience.