Clouds Rest Acres
Christopher Smith
Clouds Rest Acres
74 Fullertown Road
Baltic, CT 06330
United States
Online Store
Certified Organic
Offers a CSA
Benefit Doubling
Clouds Rest Acres is a small farm whose focus is to see that our livestock and poultry are treated humanely with the overall well being of each animal in mind. What drew us to farm steading was the desire to embrace sustainable farming practices and ensure our food was not just a frozen chain store package with no understanding of where it was raised and more importantly how it was raised. We are committed to the humane practice of raising our animals. If you come to visit the farm, you may see Chris rubbing the pigs bellies or having a game of tag with them in their forest pasture. We support a local grain co-op 5 miles from the farm that offers non GMO, silage free feed for our poultry and pigs.